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Q. What does the entry include?

A. Your entry fee includes 3 rounds of golf with carts, breakfast & dinner each day including Award's Banquet, drinks in the hospitality room and a variety of gifts.  Some hosts include the three night's lodging in the entry fee while some Host's have you pay the hotel directly.


Q. How many players attend each year?

A. We usually have over 300 players each year.


Q. Who can play in this event?

A. The tournament is open to professional firefighters, active and retired. 


Q. What is the format?

A. 4 Man Team, Senior 4 Man Team (over 50), 2 Man Team (all ages), Individual, Senior Individual and Super Seniors.  


Q. How does the scoring work for the team events?

A. The four man team event players are split into twosomes.  2 players of your team will play with two players from another team. The single best ball will count. The host city also may play a scramble format and the 4 man team will play 2 man scrambles and the best score on each hole will count.


Q. Do I need a USGA Handicap to participate?

A. There are no handicaps used in this event.  Flights will be determined after each round of play for the individual players. Teams play straight up.


Q. Can cities combine to make a team?

A. Yes, or you can play as an individual.


Q. Are there other activities?

A. Yes. There is a ladies program for those that bring their spouse or girlfriend. This is a non-golf program that usually includes lunch, tours, shopping and other activities while the golfers are on the course.

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